Waking Up with Warmer Weather

Warm weather is here! The changing environment creates changes in everyone's constitutional balance and that should be addressed with diet and lifestyle changes. 

Winter tends to favor more eating and a less active digestive system, leading to a buildup of toxins. There's no better time than energetic spring to get rid of them!

Up your intake of fluids, walk more—skip the car to walk everywhere or skip the elevator and take that flight of stairs—whenever you can. You may even want to try a juice cleanse (pomegranate, berries and green vegetables juices are best). Breathing exercises can be especially helpful in the spring to awaken the body and promote energy.

Schedule your appointment with Dr. Chalik and get on track to becoming your healthiest self. To help you in your health journey, we will assess your individual symptoms and ailments and preform basic diagnostics to determine what approach works best for you. Call us today — we're here to help!