The Science Behind CoolSculpting Neck Fat

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The Science Behind CoolSculpting Neck Fat

CoolSculpting neck fat offers an effective method for reducing fatty jowls and double chins. This procedure is non-surgical unlike liposuction and patients can return to normal life activities right away. Keep reading to find out more about this fat-freezing technology.

Fat Cells and Cold | How CoolSculpting Works

During this fat reduction procedure, the CoolSculpting applicator targets fat cells located beneath the skin and cool them to freezing temperatures. This controlled cooling is referred to as Cryolipolysis. The surrounding normal cells will not be harmed; only the targeted fat cells are destroyed as these crystalize faster than other cells. Once the cells freeze, they die.

After the fat cells die, the body naturally expunges them as waste material within a period of a few weeks. These eliminated fat cells can’t grow back again, which is why the process is considered a long-term fat option for fat reduction.1

Problem Areas for CoolSculpting Treatment

This non-invasive cosmetic procedure was initially cleared by the FDA to remove build-ups of fat on the stomach and waist. CoolSculpting was immediately popular for treating those areas but small body parts such as the chin and neck are often very difficult to treat.

 In view of this, coupled with the popularity and success of the procedure, the developers of CoolSculpting have come up with additional applicators to fulfill this need. An example is the CoolMini, which is effective in reducing stubborn fat around the face, below the chin and on the jawline, which is referred to as submental fullness.

There are times when sticking to a healthy diet and working out will not be enough to lose weight. Sometimes external factors beyond an individual’s control impact weight gain, especially for stubborn fat around the chin and jawline. Luckily, these areas of submental fullness can still be reduced by means of this innovative technique.

See Real CoolSculpting Results: Before and After >>

CoolSculpting Neck Fat Efficacy

Liposuction was one of the only options before CoolSculpting became available and widely embraced. For fat deposits in trouble areas that stick around despite efforts to live a healthy lifestyle, CoolSculpting can help to effortlessly reduce fat without the need for injections or surgery.

The process is effective and safe and most patients have seen up to 20% visible results after the initial treatment and most patients (83%) are happy with their CoolSculpting results. A majority of patients (7 out of every 10) referred to the process as comfortable and many patients (8 out of every 10) said they would recommend it to friends.

Freeze Away Stubborn Fat with CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting Treatment Areas Target Fat on the Neck to Fat Above the Knees and Everything in Between

Check Out CoolSculpting Neck Fat Near Me

Emerson Medical is a superior provider of CoolSculpting services in Staten Island and is happy to provide a complimentary consultation to help you decide if fat freezing is right for you. Discover more about the amazing science behind the freezing of fat cells and rediscover a new you. Schedule a free consultation today by calling (718) 448-3800 or filling out the online form below.

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Sources: ¹. Cryolipolysis for Noninvasive Body Contouring: Clinical Efficiency and Patient Satisfaction. Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology.