How to Get Rid of Belly Fat | CoolSculpting Elite Stomach

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How to Get Rid of Belly Fat | CoolSculpting Elite Stomach

If you are searching for how to get rid of belly fat, you will likely come across a wide variety of options ranging from spot reduction exercises, specific foods, and even cosmetic treatments. The best way to lose belly fat is not spot reduction exercise of fat-burning foods. Treatments such as CoolSculpting Elite are the most effective for many men and women. But why?

To understand what works and what doesn’t, you need to know the physiology of abdominal fat. Read on to learn about what really causes belly fat, why some reduction methods won’t work, and finally, why millions of Americans are turning to treatments like CoolSculpting for effective belly fat reduction.

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 What Causes Belly Fat?

Belly fat is notorious for clinging to the body and resisting diet and exercise efforts. However, studies and research have proven that lifestyle may not be the only cause of belly fat. Many biological factors influence belly fat and its storage in the body. Some of these include:

Age & Hormones

Men and women will tend to store more belly fat as they age. Several things occur as we get older: hormone levels dip, estrogen (for women) decreases, testosterone (for men) decreases, and we lose muscle mass with age. 


Hormones in men will direct fat cells higher up on the body. On the other hand, women's bodies typically distribute more fat cells to the lower body.


After puberty, the number of fat cells within our body and their distribution throughout our body remain fixed. However, those who inherit certain body types such as ‘pear-shaped’ or ‘apple shaped’ will have different tendencies regarding where and how fat is stored.

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How to Get Rid of Belly Fat with Fat Reduction Treatments


Liposuction has long been a popular choice for effective fat reduction. However, with this cosmetic surgery comes invasive aspects that you may want to avoid. Liposuction treatments include surgery, general anesthesia, stitches, and lengthy recovery periods.

CoolSculpting Elite

Advancements in the cosmetic industry have brought about non-invasive, effective treatments such as CoolSculpting Elite. CoolSculpting Elite employs the science of freezing fat cells in a controlled and proven technology that is safe, painless, and delivers outstanding results. The best part of this revolutionary treatment is that once fat cells are gone, they’re gone for good and can’t grow back. With little to no downtime, it’s no wonder this treatment is the #1 non-invasive fat reducing treatment in the world for men and women.

CoolSculpting Elite Near Me

Stop asking how to get rid of belly fat and get started with a treatment that works and will lead to long-term fat reduction. Choose CoolSculpting Elite with Emerson Medical to reduce your belly fat. Dr. Natalya Chalik of Emerson Medical in Staten Island, NY, is a premier provider of CoolSculpting Elite treatments and is passionate about helping her patients reach the highest standard of health and wellness. Contact her today for a FREE consultation by calling (718) 448-3800.

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